About Us
The Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology Foundation (JGHFountation)
Our aim is to enhance the quality of medical practice and the health of the communities concerned.
The JGHFoundation was established for the advancement of medicine, medical research and education, training and research in general in the fields of gastroenterology and hepatology within the Asia-Pacific region. Its overall aim is to enhance the quality of medical practice and the health of the communities concerned.
The JGHFoundation provides support in a number of ways for major scientific meetings in the region, acts as a source of advice for editors and the publisher of JGH and assists in developing evidence-based guidelines for clinical practice in gastroenterology and hepatology.
The JGHFoundation hopes that the infusion of much-needed capital for the development of gastroenterology in the Asia-Pacific region will ensure a period of unprecedented growth and improvement in the specialty.
Ownership of the Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology (JGH) and JGH Open are the dual responsibility of the publisher Wiley and the JGHFoundation which makes it different in this respect from national and specialty peer journals.
The Foundation is managed by a Board of Trustees from various countries in the Asia-Pacific region. There is also a Chief Executive Officer currently located in Australia.
The Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology is an international journal of scientific excellence in the fields of gastroenterology, hepatology and endoscopy, with particular emphasis on clinical research and continuing education in the Asian Pacific region.
JGH Open is a peer-reviewed open access journal published in association with the Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology Foundation. The journal focuses on the rapid dissemination of clinical and experimental research in all areas of gastroenterology, hepatology and endoscopy. The first issue of JGH Open was in September 2017 and is the sister publication to JGH.
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