Young Investigator Award (YIA)

More informationThe purpose of the Young Investigator Award (YIA) is to stimulate interest in research training by rewarding outstanding examples of excellence amongst those involved in research training in the early stages of their career (up to 5 years following the completion of training in gastroenterology/hepatology).
Authors / Applicants must be from nationalities of Asian Pacific countries.
The Award is presented at the Asian Pacific Digestive Week (APDW). It is jointly sponsored by the APDWF and the JGHFoundation.
An Abstract Selection Committee is convened from a range of countries within the region. This committee includes at least 1 APDWF Director and 1 JGHFoundation Trustees. In assessing the applicants for the YIA the selection committee takes into account the following criteria:
- Quality and scientific merit of the abstract 50%
- Quality of presentation 25%
- Ability to defend the work 25%
Applicants for the YIA will be short-listed according to the score assigned by the Abstract Selection Committee. All short-listed papers are granted an oral presentation. Applicants whose papers are not shortlisted may be invited to present at the oral or poster sessions.
A JGHF Trustee chairs the YIA session. Presentation of the YIA is made at the end of the Congress by an APDWF Director or JGHF Trustee. All short-listed applicants are invited to attend the presentation at no personal cost.
The 3 best papers shall receive the following awards:
1st Prize – USD 2,000
2nd Prize – USD 1,500
3rd Prize – USD 1,000
The Terms & Conditions are available for download here.